
Full & Partial Dentures
of Kansas City

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What Are Dentures?

Dentures are removable appliances used to replace multiple missing teeth. Full dentures replace all the teeth in one or both arches, while partial dentures replace only a few missing teeth. They improve chewing and speech abilities while restoring the smile's aesthetics.

How much do dentures cost?

Depending on the type of appliance, dentures can cost between $5,000-$20,000.

Implant-Retained Crowns, Bridges, & Dentures

Dental implants are titanium posts surgically placed into the jawbone to replace missing tooth roots. They can support individual crowns, bridges, or dentures, providing a secure and long-lasting solution for tooth replacement.

How do you clean dentures?

To clean dentures effectively, we recommend removing them from the mouth and rinse them under running water after eating to remove food particles and debris. Brush dentures daily using a denture brush, or a soft-bristled toothbrush, and mild denture cleaner or non-abrasive toothpaste to remove plaque and stains.

Avoid using harsh cleaners, including bleach or abrasive materials, as they can damage dentures. Lastly, soak dentures in a denture-cleaning solution or water overnight to keep them moist and maintain their shape.

Why Choose Dental Arts KC for your Dentures?

At Dental Arts KC, we're committed to providing exceptional dental care tailored to your individual requirements. Here's why patients in Kansas City rely on us for their denture needs:


Our team of experienced dentists is highly skilled in crafting and placing dentures with precision and attention to detail. We utilize our expertise to ensure that your dentures not only enhance your smile but also contribute to your overall oral health.

Personalized Care

Our personalized approach ensures that your denture treatment is customized to meet your specific needs and preferences.

State-of-the-Art Technology:

From advanced digital imaging to precise 3D scanning, we utilize innovative techniques to create dentures that are durable, functional, and aesthetically pleasing.

Questions? Contact Us.

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